Governance: Who will oversee the Framework?

IL Framework Project Graphic - GovernanceThe Framework Governance Team is researching project governance best practices and trends across federal, state, and local governments to develop recommendations for a sustainable decision-making structure for the Illinois Framework.

Illinois received a $1.1 million “State Systems Interoperability and Integrations Project” grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration of Children and Families (ACF) to design and develop a governance model for the Framework.  Illinois is one of seven states to receive this 12-month planning grant, evidence that the state is an emerging leader in interoperability initiatives.  The grant project summary is available on the ACF website.

As part of the grant, the Governance Team will create a handbook, roadmap and other tools to assist states and other jurisdictions that are contemplating cross-program or cross-agency system development efforts.  Through extensive research, testing, and evaluation, the Governance Team developed strategies to create governance processes that are robust, goal-oriented and equitable.

The Framework developed the following documents and resources as part of its Interoperability Grant:

An online database of reports, white papers, presentations, and other reference materials related to governance in the United States and abroad.  The library serves as a comprehensive resource list for other states and jurisdictions interested in pursuing interoperability initiatives.

Drawing from case studies and subject-matter expert interviews, this document describes the six attributes of good governance:  shared vision, executive leadership, formalization of structure, clear decision-making, adaptability, and transparent communications and processes.

A comparison of two potential governance model options for the Framework.  By weighing the strengths and weaknesses of each option, the Governance Team made a final recommendation for the Framework, selecting the option that best embodied the attributes of good governance.

A summary of the Framework’s selected governance model option, including a list of committees, roles and responsibilities, and an organization chart.

An interactive online governance guide for states and jurisdictions considering cross-boundary and inter-agency interoperability initiatives.  The Handbook includes a roadmap to good governance, a toolkit including samples of key documents such as charters, a case study on the Illinois Framework, and a list of resources.

  • Final Report (COMING SOON)

A summary of the Illinois Interoperability and Integration Project’s activities, findings, challenges and lessons-learned.

For more information on Interoperability, please visit the following links:

What is Interoperability?

Interoperability Initiatives in Illinois

National Interoperability Initiatives


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